From now on all tenancy contracts are to be registered in the 'Ejari' system. There are number of reasons for this and my own thoughts are that it will help in the following ways:
- It will create a standard porecedure that all agents will have to follow thus illiminating bad practice, negligence, and laziness.
- The tenancy contract will be standard reducing any disputes and making the agents life a whole lot easier.
- All tenancy contracts will be centrally registered giving the Land's Dept a chance to collect superb data. ( Hope it isn't sold on the black market - you wouldn't believe what data base we get offered)
- It will speed up any disputes between Landlord and Tenants.
The important thing to note is that it is mandatory and unless you have registered your tenancy agreement you will not have any claim to a dispute at the Land's Department.
So as a responsible Property Manager we have tried this week to register our landlords property and details. Unfortunately they are not quite ready for us yet but to be fair to them they have responded to my requests faster and more efficiently than any other gov't department in the past.
I really support this initiative as it makes the whole process clear and transparent. and hope that it won't be long before the sales process gets a similar change.
If any of you want more information then you could check out or keep checking this page for updates I feel are important.