16 December, 2009

Is the Nakheel bond the catalyst that takes the UAE to a new level of Federal cooperation?

Anybody remotely connected with Dubai will have done well to ignore all the rumpus about the Nakheel Sukuk.For obvious reasons i have been watching it like a hawk ( or falcon) and admit to being perplexed by the way it has played out.

Emotions have been running high with a potential run on the banks being diverted by the Central Bank offering capital to the 'local' banks to the eventual 'gift' of $10bn being sent down Sheikh Zayed road in a very large wheel barrow. I know some of you have been missing Dave so I thought I would post the last picture we managed to get of him...

This money has been given at the last minute and it is probably fair to say that in addtion to the banks having to sweat it out for a couple of weeks Abu Dhabi have done a pretty good job of making Dubai taste a large slice of humble pie too.

My view on this( with hind sight) is that there has been the annual GCC summit this week held in Kuwait where it would have been impossible for the UAE not to stand side by side and re affirm its unity. Yes they took it to the wire but Abu Dhabi has delivered and The World financial institutions have been given a huge shot of confidence which will now allow Dubai to sit with the Banks from a position of strength and renegogiate future bonds that are due to mature. I am sure all bonds will not get paid quite so easily but this is normal and now that Dubai is back in the game, and has bought in Deloitte's to advise on the restructuring required, I am confident again that Abu Dhabi and Dubai have shown the unity expected of them.

Question to you all. Name the three islands off the UAE that are giving the UAE the most regrets ?

Answer. Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Moussa.

These three islands have been occupied by Iran and the GCC yesterday reiterated that soveriegnty belonged to the UAE. I suspect we won't see another Falklands war breaking out but atleast it wasn't the three islands you were thinking of.

20 June, 2009

Raha Beach has a push

We have been saying it all year!Off plan is dead but completed or nearly completed stock has a chance depending on location.
We had a few sales this week in Abu Dhabi and quite frankly they came out of the blue. We have not advertised AD for over 7 months and the website is totally out of date! We put our heart and soul into The Palm and then 3 quick sales from somewhere off the radar.
I actually worry about things like this, convincing myself that i am missing a trick and too slow to see what is happening.After scratching my pate for 48 hrs I decided to get in the car and see for myself how the Capitol was bucking the trend.

Here is what i saw.

This is the New Head Office for Aldar and in my opinion totally breathtaking. I don't suppose it is particularly economic on useable space but on this occasion i don't care. It is going to be the centre piece for some time for Al Raha Beach and allows Aldar bragging rights to say they have arrived and mean business.
Muneera and Bandar projects are a short distance away and unfortunately it was a sandy day and difficult to get decent photos.
These projects are progressing well and have come out of the ground siginificantly which must account for the recent activity.
There is a huge lack of housing in Abu Dhabi which sees rental rates still rising. It is in need of properties reaching the market as soon as possible. These projects benefit from being close to the Etihad headquarters and will be full of Pilots etc.
Despite the recent downturn it looks to me like Al Raha beach is going to have a good run as all the fundamentals are in place and to top it all Abu Dhabi Finance ( along with other banks) are throwing money around at would be homeowners.
I don't suggest we all go buying off plan properties again just yet but the prices you can buy AL Raha beach for today are going to rise considerably in the 12 months.

25 May, 2009


I am an Anorak!

I have done it and I promise you will only see me sat onthe Monorail again when I am either drunk and planning a getaway from the Atlantis or someone is paying me a fortune.
Although there were hardly any people on it the majority were loud obnoxious brats who need a lesson in how to act in public. It made me remember why I have only been to the Mall of the Emirates 4 times since it opened. I need a bubble to live in and preferably one that does not glide on a few sheets of concrete up and down the Palm.
For those of you (Joanna) who think i only talk about beer, the price of a return ticket from the foot of the Palm to the Atlantis is the price of a pint. 25AED. Too much! I would rather get a taxi for 5AEd and suffer the wrath of an angry driver who is miffed that he got such a short ride.
In its defense the ride does give you a great view of the Palm and lands right outside the Atlantis door. I just can't see who would use it at the moment.
One group who will love it are the Trump Investors who get a cracking view of the construction site. No workers but a good view of the foundations which are capped off with concrete. Stop Mark!

View from the window... can you hear the kids!

15 May, 2009

Palm Market News

Palm Jumeirah:

This week has seen some reasonable activity on Palm Jumeirah. Both Sales and Lettings have been active and most agents are seeing a pick up.

The Sales department have seen viewings on Shorelines, and the villas. There are requests for Tiara but this is probably just 'laminate floor treading' at this stage. Tiara is lovely but more likely to perform better in the lettings department until Title Deeds are available.
Specifically, we have had offers on Signature Villas form our Russian friends. Smart Russians at that. They sold their Signature villa last year for $6m and are looking to buy back in at $3m. They are going to have to pay closer to $4m for what they want but still shows that 2008/2009 was a good time for some.
M frond low number Garden Home has sold this week for 6.5m AED and Canal Cove 4 bed for 4.5m AED ( take that fork out of your Thigh SC )
The prices aren't making the sellers jump for joy but there is activity and please remember that there is still not a mortgage in sight. When there is finance expect a nice little bounce.

The Lettings Department is very busy with increased viewings. I don't think there are many new tenants floating around as most people are looking to upgrade or get a better rate than they are currently paying. Landlords who already have a tenant should be careful not to push the rates on renewal as the tenants have much more choice and will simply leave.
Tiaras are renting for 130k per annum for a 1 bed with 3 beds touching 240/250k pa. Gardens homes are not much more than 300k p.a with Signatures now less than 500k p.a
Shorelines are doing quite well as tenants enjoy the restaurants and amenities these apartments offer with less than i thought hopping over to Tiara. Shorelines are still flavour of the month with 1 bed sea views reaching 130k p.a .

Over in Palm Jebel Ali it looks like Nakheel are about to announce another delay. They told me last week to expect a very very long delay. Not sure if this means 2 years or 5 but for sure some of you are going to be very upset.

Finally, I am going to be an anorak this week and try out the Palm Monorail. There are only 2 stops at the base of the Palm and Atlantis right now. They are probably thinking of a new name fot the Trump station when it opens. It is 25 dhs round trip, and i will get a 30 dhs coffee at Atlantis to make it worth while. In these times of financial stress I hope you all appreciate this investment I am making for you.

22 April, 2009

Tickets Please!

2 weeks and counting!!

At the end of the month the Palm monorail will be open for business! As I am having one of my bitter and twisted days I thought I would show you the route it will take.

Bitter and twisted because when I sit on it to go and see Sammy the Dolphin up in the Atlantis I will be reminded of Trump Tower. Nakheel are going to landscape this area and beautify it so I hope in the process they take this sign down!

This is the end of my rant on this subject! Enough!

15 April, 2009

Rental allowances loose their fizz

For the past 5 years I have ben very jealous of all my fellow expats who receive a rent allowance from their companies.Working for yourself has many benefits but it would be great to be self employed and have a rent allowance from some benevolent local.

The playing field seems to be levelling this year with many of our existing tenants and propsective tenants all keen to let us know that their companies have reduced their allowances. Those of you who have not experienced expat living will no doubt be thinking that we should be paying our rent from our salaries and should stop whinging and get on with it. Well, a pint over here is 6 quid and any help you can get is gratefully received. Although I dont get an allowance from my miserly business partner I do sympathise, even if it is through gritted teeth, as this is impacting on the market.

A good rent allowance would be in the region of 200 - 300 k AED . Fallen off your chair yet? If you are a landlord I suggest you keep quiet as this is paying off your mortgage and generous expat packages have kept the property market bouyant for many years.
Unfortunately many tenants are claiming that reductions in their allowance is in the region of 25% and this is going to have a negative impact on the rent received over the coming months.This will be compounded by the fact that Tiara is about to be handed over and Marina Residence is not far behind.

Companies are definitely hurting at the moment and the champagne expat lifestyle is currently under threat. With reduced rental allowancea comes reduced bonuses and I see the next twelve months being one of attrition.

My advice is pay your rent as you need a roof over your head, stick to beer ( at 6 quid ) as opposed to the bubbly, and suck up to the human resources manager. People are seeing better rental prices on the Palm and many tenants are starting to consider the Palm as an option. The Palm will attract enough tenants to fill the spaces but there will be a lag and in this period where we will see lower pricing. Rents will come back but don't expect too much in the next 12 months.

My 'green eyed monster' has been tamed for a while but I am sure a year on and expats will be smiling once again as allowances are increased and corks start popping.

10 April, 2009

Will the Dubai Rent Index mean anything?

RERA launched their Rent Index last year just in an attempt to help stabilise the rental market. With rentals rising rapidly landlords were simply picking a figure and tenants had little choice, so had to accept.
The market started to change in October with the credit crunch biting and landlords expectations were not matching that of the tenant. The Index was immediately out dated and had little relevance in its first 6 months of publication.
On the 15th April 2009 RERA will update the index and in theory there should be an alignment of landlord and tenant expectations.

Yesterday Landmark launched their own unofficial index which is actually a fair reflection on the present situation. Although Landmark have a brokerage department they have always set themselves out to be an advisory company and it will be interesting to note the differences in these two opinions. There is a good a chance that the RERA index will be still be out of date as rents have declined dramatically in the past 3 months and RERA tend to live in bubble.

I think the RERA index will have some relevance but my advice to Landlords and Tenants is to pick an agent who really knows the area in question and so long as you choose to talk to someone who can count to 500 then you should be able to gain a true idea of rental values in Dubai.

I thought of doing our own index for The Palm but I was too scared to offend the Landlords in Tiara who will be less than impressed with present rentals on the Shoreline apartments. However, I have been in Tiara this week and have to say that this development is going to be fantastic . The finish is excellent, the view is amazing and the gardens give you the feel of being in a hotel environment. The shoreline apartment rents will undoubtedly suffer with over 500 Tiara apartments hitting the market in the next 3 months and the rent index will need updating again.

02 April, 2009

Just missed the last train!

April is here and I was getting all excited about being able to go up and down the Palm on the monorail. Glide across the ocean to the Atlantis and then put my car up for sale!

Unfortunately the project has been delayed for a few more months whilst more 'testing' is done. My guess is that the monorail is fine, the trains are fine but there is absolutely no chance of any of us boarding one because the stations are no where near close to being ready. You will need a full set of clampons to scale the station walls or a very good trampolene.
These trains are not manned and are run by computers and have been in action most of this year. No matter what time you go on to the Palm the trains are operational so it will not be long before we are all mobile.
I will hold off before selling the car but this piece of infrastructure is going to make a huge difference to the Palm Jumeira giving it another layer of credibility and help make The Palm a special place to visit.

31 March, 2009

Blood on the Streets

I always try to keep my nose pretty clean but when CID walk into your office in the middle of the afternoon there is that moment of panic that washes over you.
CID in Dubai are very polite and immediately explained their visit stating that they were investigating an act of violence and needed to know if they could check our guest list of vacation homes over the past few days.
Naturally we obliged and after 10 minutes they were satisfied that we would not be able to help as they were looking for a particular nationality and none of our guests fitted the bill.

It seems that a Chechen has been murdered in Dubai Marina last week and yet to be confirmed but some ugliness on the Palm which may be related.

Working on the Palm for a living is one of those perks I will never grow tired of but all of a sudden my little piece of Paradise has just been infiltrated by reality.

Two bits of advice for you. 1. Keep your nose clean and avoid the panic attacks 2. If you are planning on assassinating anyone in Dubai don't book a snipers pad with us as the police are our best friends!! ( You can check the gory details out on the bbc website)

16 March, 2009

Guest Blog

Guest Blog 12/03/09

Room with a view: a visitor’s outlook

Over my last 8 years of visiting Dubai, I had become comfortable with the belief that ‘all that glitters actually was gold’, and for me, the Emirate, although covered in debris currently, remains precious beneath it all.

I have been fortunate enough to visit Dubai 4, 5 & 6 times a year in recent times and have seen its development from various hotel windows.

Over that same period things have prospered in my home land, as in most parts of the world, enabling me to modestly invest in this shiny Arab Emirate. Here I have seen those investments flourish and happily (even joyously) enjoyed the ride that Dubai was providing.

This prosperous haven has, over the last 6 months, fallen into line with the rest of the world with both prospects and property prices heading sharply south. The Emirate that was still being hailed up until recently as the pinnacle of luxury and glamorous excess is now being pelted and ridiculed by the same media. To me it is often more of an embarrassing insight into the void that is the mind of the correspondent and I wonder sometimes why it often sounds so bitter? The Australians have a phrase for it, they call it the tall poppy syndrome; it’s built-up and then ‘they’ take pleasure in knocking it down, a bit of a cheap dig really.

Over those years I saw plans for the Palm turn to visions of spewing sand emerging from the sea, which turned to land, that turned to buildings, which turned to escalating property prices! I saw the shorelines handed over and shared the disappointment with regard to some of the quality aspects - but who could (or would dare) complain when the price had increased 2 fold and later 3 & 4 fold!?!

As the Palm developed the fronds became little communities and having now lived in one (albeit for a short time) I can see the attraction of the sense of community and security that they bring - not to mention the Kudos. Again, as with the shorelines all may not be perfect... people (mostly those that do not live there) can grumble about the close proximity of neighbours and dogs doing their 'thing' on the beaches but it is unique and remains a spectacle both from the air and when driving through the structure, or any aspect of it, by car.

Then The Atlantis; the explosive OTT Dubai style opening and the world wide publicity - and all this taking place well into phase 1 of the world wide economic crisis!!

Now I see the Marina turning from a building site into a developing International City in its own right (I mean like a developing adolescent New York, London or Hong Kong & not Dubai's own International City budget development) - the night views are spectacular and right now, from today’s hotel room, I can see busy traffic both on the SZ Road and locally around the Marina - and its 2am!?! We are in what are described, understandably, as 'depressing' times but still these people are travelling 24/7 - presumably either working or spending. I wandered down ‘the walk’ this week in front of JBR – how nice it is to have an ‘outdoor’ promenade to meander along – all the cafes and restaurants were packed and it is a real boon for both JBR and all the hotels and apartments around the Marina and beyond.

Still the most luxurious buildings and finishings of the Palm are to come... all the Crescent hotels, the Tiara and Oceana developments, the Fairmont on the trunk, perhaps one day a grand mall at the top of the trunk and greenery & finishings around the Palm such as those seen around Madinat Jumeirah.

Nakheel will need to get bailed out if they are to be the ones that are around to complete the Palm; lets face it, they are giving a very good impression right now of being broke so someone needs to do something with them; their ineptness & lack of funds is an embarrassment for Dubai in my view and gives out all the wrong messages by helping people form beliefs that Dubai will not stand up & play fair in the tough times, but instead will pull up the drawbridge and abandon everyone else; investors of any kind, private, corporate or sovereign do not forget these things but there is still time to make a change and change those developing beliefs. Make a change please!

If Nakheel are allowed to sink... (If Dubai Inc are reading this then please don't let Nakheel go under - Nakheel are seen as being 'part of Dubai' and although it may allow some debt to be written off it will set the Emirate back years in terms of PR and attracting any new foreign institutional or private investment).. I'll repeat that first bit... If Nakheel are allowed to sink (& with dignity please - if that’s possible?!) then it will not be unusual for the originating development company of such a large infrastructure project to go broke - on such vast infrastructure projects the cost is often so enormous that it is seldom possible to recoup costs and survive in any fit state; the Channel Tunnel is a typical example of this scenario (for our European viewers).

So here we now are; prices are said to be 50% down, but not everywhere, let's face it; in some areas you cannot even get 50% of June 08's price! In fact in most areas other than Palm Jumeirah you simply cannot sell a property - at any price!!

This is where we are today – it is not just Dubai that is down, it is the world! Even the most ardent fans of Dubai are beginning to recognise and accept this fall - but the new, and by far the more interesting question, is ‘what next for the glittering Emirate?’

It is interesting to see those folk that never made money in the local property boom condemn all the property owners and claim significance from their 'intelligence' of being able to foresee this downturn; ‘collapse’ they call it. I think, to some level, they have a compelling argument about their wit, although it kind of 'falls flat' when you ask as to why their foresight was not deployed to make themselves millions of dollars during the 'up' period!?! Although these people will have an answer for that – these people always do!

The new wealthy that made money from local property fall into various categories. These include those that are wholly depressed and talk about yesterday and ‘if only’, others are equally annoying by being too upbeat, looking forward to 'prices returning to their previous levels soon’. I have been at least one of these and equally annoying! Mark?

The guys that make most of the money most of the time tend not to talk much. These guys are simply devoting their attention to 'doing' and working on ‘what next’, along with ‘how to make the current situation better’ - not bothering to seek comfort by sharing tales of woe or searching for reassurance about market resurrection; "perhaps these guys can afford not to worry" I hear you say, or was that me!? Perhaps that is true but I am sure there is a connection between their attitude and their prosperity & that may be another lesson that some of us can take from these troubled times.

I believe it is important to see it AS IT IS – to get real!! But also NOT to see it WORSE than it is – and this is where most people appear to struggle right now in my view. If you were to believe the world press you’d be forgiven for thinking the locals were heading back into the desert, setting up their tents and taking up pearl diving – with the name of Dubai to be erased from the map for 100 years.

The way I see it - one day soon the world will figure a way to get back to some form of normality. Finding a solution has every ones attention right now and they will sort it. At what cost, how long it will take, and what the ‘new rules’ of the game will be no one exactly knows. Countries, companies and financial entities will re-organise themselves and between them create a path forward that new & reformed entities will quickly tread. A massive vacuum devoid of trade and finance is being created and, like any vacuum, this will quickly get filled once the door is opened.

Everyone has struggled and most have been hit, both countries and individuals alike, and although the numbers of $’s everyone had has now diminished, most still retain similar places in the pecking order; Dubai included!!

Dubai was a fast growing key location in this emerging region of power – and it still will be. It is in a location that bridges between both East & West and also Africa & the old Soviet States - in the middle of key oil states that hold sizable SWF's and amidst some of the few countries that will maintain some semblance of positive growth over the period of gloom we are now in. Some would argue that it is right in the middle of the new world powers – with only the US missing. The US will remain a super power of course – but because of the oil here, the trade & opportunity, and the security issues the US have travelled to be here and want to be involved too – so everyone is at this party!

The main thing for Dubai is that it has retained its core business model and remains a great place for traders of all types to be. Property corrections and over-leveraged state entities can be dealt with & fixed. Becoming a poor environment for trade would be far more damaging for Dubai and when the world resumes business, city-states such as Dubai will flourish.

Dubai may have suffered but it was exciting, dynamic and fast emerging before the crisis and it will be the same once the crisis is over. It has been hit but so has every one else and Dubai will maintain its status amongst the best places to be in the world that offer opportunity; and some say it is likely to offer some of the quickest opportunities of the new upturn.

Dubai is now positioned as a trading and service hub in this oil rich region and it will not disappear. Oil prices that are so key for the countries of the region will recover as supply is reigned in and world economies recover sometime over the next 1, 2 or 3 years, with the price likely to (quite quickly if you read the recent report by the International Energy Agency) go back to between $80 & $100 per barrel. This will lead to creating sizable budget excesses again for all the local oil producing countries and Dubai will see benefit from this.

Away from business the Emirate remains a remarkable place to visit and it still takes my breath away. The weather, its hotels, beaches, malls, personal safety (if you omit driving or crossing the road!) and the rulers continued focus toward making it a leading holiday destination will continue to cause tourists to flock here. Yes, there are issues; many hotels although gorgeous are too costly for many travelling pockets and the cost of 'tourist living' in the resort locations and premier restaurants is not cheap either, especially now... but the former will always out 'do' the latter and ultimately basic economic pointers will determine price.

A property market will return, Dubai will once again return to being incredibly popular and property prices will start to move forward from the excessive lows that followed the excessive highs; with an initial spurt possible from current ‘distressed sale’ lows once lending returns and the world feels confident that all bad news is on the table.

Property is continuing to sell on the Palm and that is why we can say that many prices are 50% down from June 2008 (if you have to sell today) – it is amazing & testimony to Palm’s standing that property is continuing to change hands there in such uncertain world times but such is the attraction of the Palm. The Palm will be where we see the earliest shoots of a recovery and prices there could well see a jump of 10 or 20% or more when a bottom is accepted and all the distressed sales are gone; perhaps some lending at reasonable LTV’s and % rates wouldn’t go a miss either although I do understand the banks reservations on lending to anyone right now as their own financial situations remain unclear.

Many of the offers coming in for property today are from those that hope sellers have a bill to pay back home and need to sell at any cost. This is the market we have as of early 2009. Fortunately, for most, their position is not that of a distressed seller and they do not want to sell at any cost, although sadly I know for others it is. I have property on the Palm and I have a unit for sale there. It is for sale at a rate that is 50% down from the highs and I would be more than comfortable to rent now if the unit is not sold shortly.

Property is illiquid and therefore this is one of the downturn scenarios to be considered for any property investment; but the key thing and recent tide change for me is that I am confident that this new price level is the bottom line. It is likely, certainly possible, that distressed sales may make some units turnover for a little less than this over the coming period but in general terms I have confidence in the value of this property, in this location, in this town, at these rates – and in time it will build from there.

Forget what has past, if I had to choose a 2nd property for personal use, a business base and investment potential from today’s new prices, I’d still want it to be here.

It is sad for those who have to sell right now and some of the personal stories of loss in Dubai, as elsewhere around the world, are grim and regrettable; but from an economic standpoint these distressed sales need to go out of the market and then all would-be buyers will know what the real prices are. Odd units from distressed sellers coming onto the market perpetuates the ‘wait & see’ attitude of the buyers that are around, with most buyers saying ‘I will wait’ because they think someone else may need to sell for a low price next week. They may well be right for now and if they have little concern over the type of property they end up with then they may well get a bargain – distressed sales are part of the economic cycle after all – but in general I feel the prices for the best locations are at, or close to, the ‘come and get me’ rate – and confidence is now the main obstacle preventing things moving forward.

Sentiment can change quickly however and some commentators are seemingly already getting fed up of the Dubai bashing and are now saying these current prices (on the Palm) could double over the next 3 to 5 years – not great if you have just seen your house value drop 50% in the last 6 months but a nice outlook for those buying now! Personally I do not see a rush for much ‘coming and getting’ until after this summer at least but it will happen & Dubai will prosper; until then there remains bargains to be had.

21 February, 2009

Top Trump

When I was a small boy I used to play a card game called Trump Cards. The pack of cards consisted of say Battleships ( or cars, planes etc) and you would try to collect full sets from your competition. I can't remember if i was any good at it and I certainly cannot remember the facts and figures of HMS Hermes etc.

One thing I do remember is that it was called TRUMP.

As a slightly older boy it seems that history is repeating itself with a new Trump game coming into my life. This time it not a harmless pack of cards but the illustrious Donald Trump.We have many clients who invested in the Trump Tower Dubai on Palm Jumeirah believing the hype that it was going to be the most luxurious piece of real estate in the Middle East if not the World.Unfortunately in Novemeber 2008 the trump was cancelled and investors were offered their money back. After two days the lawyers retracted this and said the development was 'delayed' and no refunds were therefore possible. Nakheel have since offered properties in International City as a payoff ( at over inflated valuations ) whereby the investor has to put in more cash to try and get out of the Trump Tower. 3 months later the Trump investors are left in limbo as Nakheel or Trump refuse to finalise the account. One irate investor has even been told he may have to wait 4 years for his money.Trump do not answer calls on this subject in the New York office and Nakheel have the habit of changing their minds every morning on decisions made the previous day.

Yes there is a credit crunch and everybody knows that plans have to change but there is such a miscommunication from Nakheel that they have now alienated 50 + high net worth investors who I think will be unlikely to invest in Nakheel ever again.

It seems that Nakheel think they are holding all the Trump Cards but I am sure that when we all sit down for the next card game there will be empty seats at the table.

15 January, 2009

Stop trying to fly through the glass!

Love this town.

Last sunday Nakheel declared that all Shoreline transfers were on hold as they were finlly sending the details off to the Land's Department for Registration. This means that any sales done now will not be transferable until the Lands's Department issue a Title Deed to the seller who can then sell it to the new buyer. If I tell you that some signature Villa owners have been waiting for their title in excess of one year you will understand that we are a little concerned as to how we can keep trading the Shorelines.
48 hrs later the answer has appeared from our little terriors out there. Easy sir "the seller needs to give the buyer power of attorney and the buyer will give the seller the full funds and if the buyer is a little nervous still then the seller can issue a security cheque. If they are both still nervous then they can get a lawyer to do it instead of us' sir.' Read it again it does make sense!
I am happy to admit that i am the fly that keeps trying to fly through the glass. In Dubai people amaze me sometimes as to how much money they will commit without the usual belt and braces but at least we can offer a solution and keep selling Shorelines.

12 January, 2009

Crime Lords

A few days after letting you all know that the Russians are coming it seems that we have a small problem. The Daily Mirror in the UK has now confirmed that Dubai is the new Crime Centre of the World and has usurped Costa Del Crime in Spain.

You have to be careful what you say but I would say this is probably a fair assessment.

I believe the prisons are filling up nicely with bent real estate developers and the odd agent who have been tempted by the slack regulations Dubai has been operating on. Having visited Miami I refuse to believe that we are even close to equalling the filth of the Cuban drug barons and the likes of Bernie Madof who infest the Miami shores.

True it is alot easier to bank large sums of dollars in Dubai than in the UK and so long as the banks are happy then i think there are a few real estate investors who will welcome the odd Adidas bag bulging at the seams with the lovely green back.

09 January, 2009

Can you feel a Pulse?

I made a few calls to investors this week to chew the fat over what might be for the next 12 months. One asked " has the patient got a pulse Mark?" Immediately the salesman in me offered my enthusiasm as to how the patient did indeed have a pulse and was on the road to some sort of recovery.
Later that night I sat and thought about this question further and now offer my prognosis for the latest victim of the world economy.
Last October the A & E Ward at Dubai General Real Estate Hospital became flooded overnight with casualties. With blood on the floor real estate agents spent the next 6 weeks talking to anxious sellers who in the main were looking for the exit door. Big problem was there were only sellers active and literally no buyers. There was a point where I thought 'that's it' the buyers are never coming back.
By December the sellers had all burnt themselves out and the market although seriously wounded was not about to give up and die.Buyers were ringing, asking for discounts and starting to make a few offers. There is only one thing to note about these buyers and that is the fact that without exception they are all cash buyers.
Only cash I thought. This is still serious! My business deals with the cream of dubai property with average prices in excess of a million dollars and i am going to need to find enough cash buyers to blance the books. Not going to happen was my immediate thought. We need help or the pulse will fade.
Fast forward to January and the doctor is hopeful of a good recovery based on recent signs. Still only cash buyers, usually with heavy Russian accents but this is the month for the Russians to come to Dubai and take advantage of the Shopping discounts and so far property is on the shopping list.
January is already looking to be a good month and one shoreline property although well priced has had 14 viewings and 3 offers. Sale agreed in excess of the asking price and to me a sure sign that the patient has a pulse.

I know that one swallow doesn't make a summer but the phones are ringing with buyers again and the doctor is optimistic of a slow but steady recovery.Finance and a few more Russians will also help but this particular property doctor will be happier when there is a broader mix of buyers entering the market.